Apple išleido profesionaliu video redagavimu užsiimantiems skirtų aplikacijų atnaujinimą.
Apple atnaujino savo Final Cut Pro X, Motion ir Compressor aplikacijas bei išleido Pro Video Formats 2.0.4 atnaujinimą.
Final Cut Pro X 10.2.3 atnaujinimo aprašyme Apple rašo:
- Customizable Default Effect lets you choose both a video and audio effect that is assigned to a keyboard shortcut
- 4K export preset to create video files for Apple devices
- Improves speed when opening libraries on a SAN
- Resolves an issue that could affect the timecode display in the Dashboard on OS X El Capitan
- Import Canon XF-AVC including video files from the Canon C300 Mark II
- Ability to share video to multiple YouTube accounts
- Resolves an issue in which a disabled video effect could appear as Missing Effect when opening the project or when sharing to Compressor
- Addresses an issue in which black frames could appear in imported iPhone video clips that were trimmed on iPhone
- Fixes an issue that could cause the playhead to jump ahead when editing short titles
- Fixes an issue that could cause the timeline to stop playback when switching views in the Browser
- Fixes an issue in which points on a Bezier shape could incorrectly switch from Linear to Smooth
- Fixes an issue in which some objects within Motion templates render with soft edges
- Adds iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Pro, and Apple TV (4th generation) to the Apple Devices compatibility list in the Share window
Motion 5.2.3 atnaujinimo aprašyme rašoma:
- Improves stability when adding Photoshop files to a project
- Improves stability when searching in iTunes and photo libraries
- Improves stability when using the Undo command after ungrouping a parent group
- Correctly saves percentage-based parameters in the Checkerboard generator after closing and reopening a project
- Correctly saves the preview movie for Motion templates created in German, Japanese, and Chinese
- Fixes an issue in which points on a Bezier shape could incorrectly switch from Linear to Smooth
- Fixes an issue in which some objects within Motion templates render with soft edges
- Adds iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Pro, and Apple TV (4th generation) to the Apple Devices compatibility list in the Share window
Compressor 4.2.2 atnaujinimo aprašyme rašoma:
- 4K export preset to create video files for Apple devices
- Fixes an issue in which Closed Caption files could be incorrectly labeled as SDH subtitles when creating an iTunes Store Package
- Fixes an issue in which the Navigation window fails to display the source clip when the Preview Window is zoomed
- Launch screen displays correctly on OS X El Capitan
- Adds iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPad Pro, and Apple TV (4th generation) to the Apple Devices compatibility list
Pro Video Formats 2.0.4 atnaujinimo informacijoje rašoma, kad ši versija įdiegia AVC-LongG, XAVC ir XF-AVC palaikymą.